Spectrum jio go recce this place call Jason Bay.
At first, I thought, "Where is this Jason Bay?"
How come this place called such an ang moh mia (name) one?
Jason Bay is actually very near. The east coast stretch around Desaru.
Spectrum also call it the Sedili Ride. Don't know where he find and come up with the name Jason Bay. Map also never show have such name what.
Still don't understand why call Jason Bay? Why not Kelvin Bay? Michael Bay?
Johnson Bay? Andy Bay?
Anyhow, joining this trip is also Motrax (Hornet900) and ChiYen (Hornet900).
ChiYen like forever free one. Every bike trip also can go one.Singapore has our very own scenic bridge.
It is the existing second link bridge.
Every time in the morning when I start on each of my bike trip, as I cross this bridge, I look and admire at the surrounding scenary.
Maybe the surrounding really too beautiful. So beautiful until maybe the Malaysia jeng hu think "Cannot like this. The first causeway too ugly compared to this second link. So must make new scenic bridge to replace. Then both the bridges also nice nice and scenic scenic." Malaysia jeng hu standard for bridges must be quite high.
Anyhow, I looked at the wonder weather and think to myself, "This is going to be a great day for riding!"
The riding route is as shown in the map above.
To get to Route 3 is quite easy. But after that what happened, I also cannot exactly remember liao. But it should not be too difficult to get to this Kg Sedili Besar because at that area, it is very rural and there are not many roads to get lost.
Kg Sedili Besar is too small to call it a town. It is more like a jetty.
The road to it leads to a dead end into the sea.
I think there are people who fish for aliving there.
See the fishing boat in the foreground. And in the background is a kelong.
My kelong doesn't mean when play soccer that time, purposely let opponent score goal.
Many years ago, Singapore use to have kelongs. Can stay overnight on them and catch fish.
Around the jetty is carpark for the fishing boats.
Park overnight need coupon or not?The Singapore jeng hu like, like to keep building new roads.
The Malaysia jeng hu like, like to keep building new bridge.
See, they building yet another bridge.
The Kg Sedili quite ulu. Don't know go where and find enough traffic to use the bridge when it finish construction.
Zombie Walking. When you ride long enough, you can become a zombie.
But the ride to Sedili is really not that long.
Only 90 minutes from second link nia.
I think more like this ChiYen go chiong havoc havoc last night.
Spectrum like to take photograph.
Spectrum suggested the 4 of us take a group photo at the jetty.
I ask him, "How to take all 4 of us? Who take photo for us?"
He replied, "Ask him to take photo lah."
I looked around and got a fright.
Because at the jetty, there were only 4 of us. And one old woman and one young daughter.
Where is the missing man Spectrum is referring to?
Spectrum got third eye?!!
Alamak. This Spectrum anyhow hantum his english. He should have said "Ask her (the old woman) to take photo."
We take photo halfway, then heavy rain suddenly come.

The rain quite heavy. So we wait in the coffee shop at the jetty and talk cock sing song.

Sunshine after the Rain.
Happily, we proceed with our ride...

Our route takes us down south, hugging the coast line of the east coast, towards Desary.
We stop by the beach.
Notice 3 different Hornets, 3 different cowling designs.
Whoever who says Super4, Hornets and Naked Bikes are boring have no imagination!

But the beach not very calm today.
Water quite choppy. And got threatening dark clouds nearby.

Today don't have clear blue sky.

Nin nia eh.
Downpour again.
Nowhere to hide.
All squeeze under the tiny fruit peddler's stall.
Nin nia eh, I think when translated directly into English, means "Excuse me, your mother please."
The rain is heavy and the wind is blowing.
So hide under the stall still get wet.

This woman must be thinking."Heh heh heh. What a butch of suckers. Come out riding in this kind of weather."
She smart. Don't hide under the stall. She go hide inside the proton parked beside the stall and leave tiny stall for us to hide under.
Spectrum exclaims: "Look what I found! This place sells dildo!"
Xiao Nan. Madman.
This kind of weather still got people sailing in the sea.
Crazier than us.
Forlorn sight. Got bike cannot ride.
Because, besides myself, the rest all don't have rain coat.
When we left Singapore in the morning, it was bright sunny sky. Who knows the weather will become like this?
Moral of the lesson: Always bring rain coat.
Wet and miserable. Remind me of river crossing exercise during my army days.
Also reminded me of an army song. Goes something like this:
"Underwear wet wet.
Don't believe? come and check!"
Rain finally stop again.
And we continue on.
Some nice pictures.
Actually, if not for the silly rain, the route actually offers a very pleasant ride.
It hugs the east coast. So now and then, the sea will pop into view towards the east.
The road is good smooth tarmac. Very little traffic. And straight all the way.
Nice picture shot from a bridge.

View of the coast line from the straight road towards Desaru.
Spectrum made me wear this.
He wanted to test if when time riding in a big convoy, would it make the front and last bike more obvious. I consider this an act of great attrocity against humanity.
Whoever that wears this bright luminous vest, of course other riders can see lah. Singaporeans riders all trained to spot luminous riders one (our Traffic Polic wears a luminous rain coat).
I have never worn so many layers of clothes in my life.
Vest, then rain coat, then armoured jacket, then my T-shirt. Then my birthday suit.

We had lunch at somewhere near Kampong Panchor I think. Second time I go there liao. But still don't know how to get there myself.
The place overlooks the sea and the food is pretty good.
Because you can look-see-here-look-see-there.
There is greater freedom and flexibility to explore whatever that catches your interest.
This is the advantage of riding in a very small group.
Of course, the advantage of riding in a big group is that you got plenty of friends around you.
So both types of riding, I also enjoy.
Whatever it is, just remember to bring your rain coat with you whenever you go touring.
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