1. Honda Blackbird celebrates it's 3rd anniversary.
2. Honda Hornet Nest celebrates it's 2nd anniversary.
3. Suzuki SV celebrate it's 1st anniversary.
They have one whole day of fun lined up.
First, they go to Clark Quay to join in the Singapore Bike Forum funfare.
Then at night, they convoy to the Hornet Nest's indian chief's condo call Cote D'Azur Condo (how to pronounce ah?), next to Parkway Parade.
Singapore Bike Forum Funfare
I never go. Now I bang balls man.
Because I missed this:
I thought the girls look not bad what.
But later on I hear from one biker guy tell me:
"Endless, lucky you never go and see the Biker Babe Contest.
The girls there all so skinny. The neir all so small."
Wah lau. Thin girls also don't like ah.
This shows that one size can't fit all.
Give him Olinda Cho lah.

There are some cool bikes being displayed there at Clark Quay for the Singapore Bike Forum event.
But who cares about them when you got Biker Babe Contest right?
There is also supposed to convoy rides to the event. Then it got cancelled because the IMF circus is in town.
Actually scared what? The IMF go and do their IMF thing lah. We only ride together what. We don't convoy means Singapore no motorcycle meh?
Si bei kia si to the max siah.
BBQ at Cote D'Azur Condo
I only went for the BBQ niah. Can eat mah.
This Spectrum has one unit at this cheem cheem name condo next to Parkway Parade. Then as in all other condos in Singapore, this one also got those useless and pesky security guards.
I don't like these security guards because got one time I got invited to go to my friend's place at another condo. I ride there but the security guard refused to let me in. That condo cannot allow bike to go in and park. Only cars. Asked me to park outside at the pavement and walk in.
Lucky that security guard quite old liao. If not I would have given him a piece of my mind.
So I am not very sure this time round can get past this Cote Azur condo security guard or not.
Spectrum say, just give the password to the security guard.
But the password is not like Mission Impossible or James Bond that kind.
It goes by the rather unimaginative:
"Spectrum BBQ Pit No 3".
OK, I ride up to the security post at the condo. Security guard come out and challenged me.
I give password. Wait for response. Don't know password correct or not. Or security guard is going to ask me to park outside again.
Wah, passed!
I met the nicest security guard to a biker in my life.
The security guard says just ride to the basement carpark and once you get there, you will know where to park.
What does he mean by that?
I ride to basement.
Carpark is very big wor. Where to park to go up to the BBQ pit?

Wah, now I understand what the security guard mean.
So many bikes. Got Hornet, got Super 4, got Blackbird, got SVs. Also got other type of bikes like Ninja, Hayabusa, scooter.
I go unstairs. The BBQ already started quite some time and people are enjoying themselves there.

There are many people there. They are all bikers.

Spectrum, my touring buddy and I take one photo together.
She Riders Club
Then I see my friend, a lady rider called Tweety. I say hi to her and noticed that she was with several ladies.
She introduced that they are all from She Riders Club.
Wah, She Riders. I never hear before ah. Singapore got such club?
I immeidately think like they like some SheWolves like that.
All the cha bor gang up together and suck men's blood.
Wah, scary siah.

The nice and pretty ladies from She Riders Club.
I Met Elvis
Tweety introduced this lady called Kelly.
I think this Kelly is as famous as the other Kelly: the Superstar Kelly Poon.
This Kelly is the legendary lady rider that rides a white ST, and who has rode to China.
I plane also never take go there before and she got ride there!!!
Plus somemore....Myanmar!!!!!
Wah lau eh!!!!
I see her I immediately feel like I have to bow down and pay respect to this super duper lady rider.
After I recovered from my star-giddiness, I realised this Kelly is actually very friendly, very sociable and very bubbly. Before long, I got comfortable and sat down to chat with her on touring.
Then around the table also got other She Riders.
After a while, I realised that got so many girls talked to me one guy, at their centre of attention.
Wah, I never in mind life got so many girls looking at me.
Except one time when I accidentally walked into the woman's toilet.
Then my face start to have a burning sensation.
I was getting a little embarressed with so many girls talking to me.
Lucky my face very black. They can't tell I am turning red, haha.
Actually, they are all very friendly girls. They wouldn't eat you up one.
They keep asking me to go with them to this coming Three-Nation-Ride in November.
I would like to go. But I cannot immediately say yes because:
1. Don't know my touring buddy Spectrum got go or not.
2. How to apply so many days of leave?
Wait I come back cannot find my desk in the office anymore how?
But the thought of so many girls together and possibly sex-orgy makes the trip very tempting...
Anyhow, I was really pleased to meet the ladies at She Rider Club.
They are all very friendly and nice people. I am very happy got more and more girls learnt to appreciate the joys of riding.
Cut Birtday Cakes

It turns out that it is also She Rider--Tweety's birthday.
From left, there is Adek, Kelly and Tweety.
Happy birthday Tweety!

The 3 birthday cakes to celebrate the anniversaries of Blackbird, Hornet and SV.

Happy birthday to you all!!!
May the spirit of riding live strong in all of you!!!
Orh.....u die...
i go tell the sheriders (the 2 words are joined together) what u wrote...hahahhah...
just kidding!
Hi Silver,
Thanks for dropping by.
My england is not that good.
I tot you should be in the sheriders since you so gao chiong and yiong, haha.
I am already in..
if not how i noe the 2 words are joined together..haha...
I told you I seldom talk to girls.
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