Today is Monday morning. Time for us to head back to Singapore.
So I need to start to pack all my barang barang back into my two Hepco & Becker saddle bags. But don't know why, the bags like become smaller and now like harder to squeeze my belongings back into the bags. If I already got problem packing with these two large saddle bags, imagine those that tour with one tank bag--don't know their one underwear must wear how many times! Yeeeeee.

This Taurus is very nice. For our breakfast, she cooked for all the tour mates in the apartment maggie mee with sausages.
She will make a good house mistress (house mistress is not the same as mistress). So DeusExMachina may be a lucky man next time.
I think there is another thing she will be good at The Sg govnmt may be thinking of setting up training centres to train the new maids coming to Singapore. If they were to set up such training centres, I think the Sg govnmt should invite Taurus to be the centre training manager. Like that all the maids will be very well trained.
All the tour mates gather at our bikes at 9.00 am, ready to set off. One thing I like about this tour group is that when Simon says 9.00 am, all will zun zun get ready at 9.00 am. Don't know why, but I think this is rather untypical Singaporean behaviour leh. Maybe because our wedding dinner always start late.

Riding through Brinchang town in a convoy.
Last time, I don't understand why some bikes with so big cc, so many horsepower and so powerful, but their exhaust so quiet. Especially those Japanese touring bikes such as the ST1100, STX1300, FJR1300, Blackbird and even my Fazer. I thought their exhaust should be louder, then more macho man.
From this trip, I realised some of the benefits of having a quiet touring bike. When we bikers go on a tour to a foreign land, some times, it is not good to ride through and make so much noise. Towns such as Cameron's are so peaceful, quiet and tranquil. Then imagine you ride through them in a convey of noisey bikes. Like quite rude. And as strangers with noisey bikes, we maybe mistakenly perceived as ya-ya-papaya. May bring bad image to Singaporeans. Worse, later your bike kena sabotaged how? So now, I like my Frost quiet quiet.
Before we leave Brinchang, there is one more thing to do. Buy back some strawberries.
So we went back to the same strawberry farm a third time.

Our bikes parked in front of the strawberry farm.
This photo looked like some mafia in some operation to pack drugs.
Actually, we are packing strawberries. Half way pack, half way eat.
Those who are not busy with buying and packing strawberries, guess what are they doing?
Eat strawberry ice kleam.
Journey Back
Our route back is the route here. So we back-track the way we came up. As I rode through some of the familiar places I passed by on the way up, I remembered the feeling when I was lost all by myself. Then I quickly close up with the bike in front.
But luckily, on the way down, many of the tour mates stopped every now and then to take some photographs of the beautiful scenary we are going to leave behind.
Will miss the wonderful biking roads in Cameron Highlands.
Mokamoka very nice. He will make keep a lookout for me to make sure that I am not left behind. Maybe he also scared wait this blur sotong get lost again.

On the way down, he really let loose on his Fazer1000. See this Mokamoka curb corner with his Fazer.
Wah, he really fast. I can't keep up with him.
I tell you, if a Fazer want to go fast, it really can.
Engine come from R1. Brake also come from R1. Plus the suspension can be adjusted one, just like a sportsbike. So don't anyhow play play with a Fazer on the road. You have been warned.

As we busy ourselves with either taking photographs or playing the corners, before long, we have reached the bottom of Cameron Highlands.
When you see the brown rocky hill on the left, it means you are at the bottom of Cameron Highlands. In contrast to the green forest-covered Cameron hills, this rocky hill is a quarry.
Heavy Rain along North South Highway
We used the same exit that we came in--Exit 137 Simpang Pulai.
The ride back along NorthSouth highway is nothing eventful, except for, we encountered heavy rain.
The rain is rather heavy. And we rode through it for 2 hours! So it will be a real test of the water-proofing capabilities of our equipment.
When we first encountered the rain, we pulled over the road shoulder to put on our rain gear. I was riding near Mokamoka. After we both put on our rain gear, I saw that he still put on his leather gloves.
I thought to myself, What for put on leather gloves? The leather gloves sure get wet one. Then your hand will be very uncomfortable wearing a wet glove. So I didn't put on my glove and we rode off.
As we rode, the rain got heavier. Then my fingers and hands started to get very painful. Why? With the bike moving at 90-110kmh, my hands and fingers felt like many needles pricking them when the rain drops hit them at such high speed. If I were to slow down to 50kmh, it would be less painful. But at this speed, don't know what time then I will get home.
So I tried to endure. I start to hear my sergeant's voice during my national service time: "Endure! Endure! Endure!". I looked at my hand. They have turned reddish from the rain drops hitting them. After riding for about 10 km, I taboleh tah han liao. So I pulled over and put on my gloves. Even though my gloves got wet, now I get continue my ride in the rain without feeling the pain anymore.
So next time, when riding in the rain along NorthSouth, may need to wear gloves.
Wind Screen
We all know that the bike's wind screen helps to deflect wind blast. It is useful in a long ride to minimise riding fatigue. When riding in the rain, an effective wind screen is all the more useful.
During this rain, I can really feel the effectiveness of my Ermax double bubble wind screen in deflecting the oncoming wind blast. I can feel that the rain water is not really hitting me directly on my chest, or even my neck and shoulders!
Rain Gear
My rain gear is from OGK. It's nothing fanciful or expensive. It is sufficient to keep me dry inside. I worn my rain gear over my meshed armoured jacket. So even though I rode at 110-150kmh in the rain, I did not feel painful.
I wore the SAF standard-issue Gore-tex boots. After riding for 2 hours in the rain, my socks were still dry. As long as you pull your rain pants properly over the top of your boot to prevent water from sipping down in from the top opening, this SAF boots can be used ridden in the rain.
Saddble Bags
The Hepco & Becker saddle bags are definitely rain proof.

This is at one of the fuel stops during our ride in the rain. You can see that we were all decked out in rain gear.
This Mokamoka is quite a bike expert. While others top up their fuel tanks duirng fuel stops, he checks his bike here, there and adjust here, there. I think he is a one-man Formula One mechanic team and if he wants to, he can disassemble the Fazer engine on the spot.
Mokamoka very nice. He will make keep a lookout for me to make sure that I am not left behind. Maybe he also scared wait this blur sotong get lost again.

On the way down, he really let loose on his Fazer1000. See this Mokamoka curb corner with his Fazer.
Wah, he really fast. I can't keep up with him.
I tell you, if a Fazer want to go fast, it really can.
Engine come from R1. Brake also come from R1. Plus the suspension can be adjusted one, just like a sportsbike. So don't anyhow play play with a Fazer on the road. You have been warned.

As we busy ourselves with either taking photographs or playing the corners, before long, we have reached the bottom of Cameron Highlands.
When you see the brown rocky hill on the left, it means you are at the bottom of Cameron Highlands. In contrast to the green forest-covered Cameron hills, this rocky hill is a quarry.
Heavy Rain along North South Highway
We used the same exit that we came in--Exit 137 Simpang Pulai.
The ride back along NorthSouth highway is nothing eventful, except for, we encountered heavy rain.
The rain is rather heavy. And we rode through it for 2 hours! So it will be a real test of the water-proofing capabilities of our equipment.
When we first encountered the rain, we pulled over the road shoulder to put on our rain gear. I was riding near Mokamoka. After we both put on our rain gear, I saw that he still put on his leather gloves.
I thought to myself, What for put on leather gloves? The leather gloves sure get wet one. Then your hand will be very uncomfortable wearing a wet glove. So I didn't put on my glove and we rode off.
As we rode, the rain got heavier. Then my fingers and hands started to get very painful. Why? With the bike moving at 90-110kmh, my hands and fingers felt like many needles pricking them when the rain drops hit them at such high speed. If I were to slow down to 50kmh, it would be less painful. But at this speed, don't know what time then I will get home.
So I tried to endure. I start to hear my sergeant's voice during my national service time: "Endure! Endure! Endure!". I looked at my hand. They have turned reddish from the rain drops hitting them. After riding for about 10 km, I taboleh tah han liao. So I pulled over and put on my gloves. Even though my gloves got wet, now I get continue my ride in the rain without feeling the pain anymore.
So next time, when riding in the rain along NorthSouth, may need to wear gloves.
Wind Screen
We all know that the bike's wind screen helps to deflect wind blast. It is useful in a long ride to minimise riding fatigue. When riding in the rain, an effective wind screen is all the more useful.
During this rain, I can really feel the effectiveness of my Ermax double bubble wind screen in deflecting the oncoming wind blast. I can feel that the rain water is not really hitting me directly on my chest, or even my neck and shoulders!
Rain Gear
My rain gear is from OGK. It's nothing fanciful or expensive. It is sufficient to keep me dry inside. I worn my rain gear over my meshed armoured jacket. So even though I rode at 110-150kmh in the rain, I did not feel painful.
I wore the SAF standard-issue Gore-tex boots. After riding for 2 hours in the rain, my socks were still dry. As long as you pull your rain pants properly over the top of your boot to prevent water from sipping down in from the top opening, this SAF boots can be used ridden in the rain.
Saddble Bags
The Hepco & Becker saddle bags are definitely rain proof.

This is at one of the fuel stops during our ride in the rain. You can see that we were all decked out in rain gear.
This Mokamoka is quite a bike expert. While others top up their fuel tanks duirng fuel stops, he checks his bike here, there and adjust here, there. I think he is a one-man Formula One mechanic team and if he wants to, he can disassemble the Fazer engine on the spot.
The rest standing around him are just kaypoh kaypohs.

I rather enjoyed riding in the rain along NorthSouth Highway. It is quite cooling and being sealed inside my rain gear, I felt cozy and draft free. Maybe there are heavier rains to be encountered along NorthSouth. But as long as you are sufficiently equipped, it's not so bad.
After the rain stopped (or we rode out of the rain clouds), we resumed back our normal dry riding.
Malaysia Traffic Police along NorthSouth Highway
Before I left for Cameron Highlands, I read that the Malaysia Traffic Police, concerned about the historic increased in accidents during these Hari Raya and Deevapali holidays, are going to post over 1,000 traffic police personnel to summon speedsters along the NorthSouth highway.
So did I see these Malaysia TP on NS?
Yes. But they are mostly on the side from the direction from Singapore towards Ipoh.
On my side, there is hardly I saw. But still, I rode conservatively at certain spots.
I saw some of the Malaysia TP inside or sitting outside of the small make-shift rectangular tent with blue and white stripes, along the side of the highway.
In the past, the Malaysian drivers are very nice to Singaporeans. If they saw a TP ambush further up, those Malaysian drivers driving in the oncoming direction will flash their headlights at me to warn me.
So today, I got to return the favour. I flashed my headlight at the faster oncoming Malaysian cars on the other side of the highway. I contributed my little part to international diplomacy.
Were there a lot of accidents?
I did see one. It's a car-to-car collision along the North South, in the direction from Singapore towards Ipoh. Not very serious as the passengers and drivers were standing around the crash site. But it cost a very long traffic jam that stretches like 10s of km. North South only 2 lanes mah.
When we reach Johor state, the rest of the tour mates went to Kulai for dinneri. I indented dinner at home before I left, so I headed for home. So this ends my adventure to Cameron Highlands.
Stefanie Sun Yan Zi, RunnerTypeR and Simon Soh

What does RunnerTypeR and Simon Soh, the organisers of this tour, have in common with the Singapore mandarin pop sensation Stefanie Sun?
Stefanie Sun is one of my favourite singers. My favourite song of hers happens to be "Ben" (Run). Of course, not everyone likes her songs. Like my father. He always say she sings song like chanting. When I first heard her "Ben", I thought Wah Piang. How can anyone cut an album with this type of song? Sounds like she is anyhow singing in a bathroom. But the more I hear that song, the better I liked it.
I like her unique voice quality and that she dares to experiment with funny funny type of song and music. So her new albums stay refreshing.
It is a rarity that a Singaporean singer can be so popular in other bigger markets which already have their own numerous successful singers, such as Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. No wonder some media called Stefanie Sun as Singapore's Guo Bao, or national treasure.
Why RunnerTypeR and Simon Soh are same like Stefanie Sun?
Well, it is not that I think RunnerTypeR and Simon look remotely like Stefanie. And it is also highly unlikely that that they can sing like this songbird. But I imagined that it would be quite interesting to hear Runner and Simon sing. On the other hand, I doubt Stefanie would be able to take me on a motorcyle tour to Cameron Highlands.
The reason is that people like RunnerTypeR and Simon Soh are also Guo Baos, in their own ways. They are treasures to our motorcycling kingdom. Without people like them who are willing to be generous with their time, knowledge and are fun to be with, many many people like me would not be able to enjoy going to places such as this Cameron Highlands. And our motorcycling will definitely be much less fun.
So I say to the RunnerTypeRs and Simon Sohs, thank you and please keep up your good work!
Hmm. Maybe during one of the national days, RunnerTypeR and Simon should be invited to join the other Guo Baos such as Stefanie and Kit Chan who preceded Stefanie, and Phua Chu Kang, to sing "Count on me Singapore". Maybe should include Annabelle Chong as well.

I rather enjoyed riding in the rain along NorthSouth Highway. It is quite cooling and being sealed inside my rain gear, I felt cozy and draft free. Maybe there are heavier rains to be encountered along NorthSouth. But as long as you are sufficiently equipped, it's not so bad.
After the rain stopped (or we rode out of the rain clouds), we resumed back our normal dry riding.
Malaysia Traffic Police along NorthSouth Highway
Before I left for Cameron Highlands, I read that the Malaysia Traffic Police, concerned about the historic increased in accidents during these Hari Raya and Deevapali holidays, are going to post over 1,000 traffic police personnel to summon speedsters along the NorthSouth highway.
So did I see these Malaysia TP on NS?
Yes. But they are mostly on the side from the direction from Singapore towards Ipoh.
On my side, there is hardly I saw. But still, I rode conservatively at certain spots.
I saw some of the Malaysia TP inside or sitting outside of the small make-shift rectangular tent with blue and white stripes, along the side of the highway.
In the past, the Malaysian drivers are very nice to Singaporeans. If they saw a TP ambush further up, those Malaysian drivers driving in the oncoming direction will flash their headlights at me to warn me.
So today, I got to return the favour. I flashed my headlight at the faster oncoming Malaysian cars on the other side of the highway. I contributed my little part to international diplomacy.
Were there a lot of accidents?
I did see one. It's a car-to-car collision along the North South, in the direction from Singapore towards Ipoh. Not very serious as the passengers and drivers were standing around the crash site. But it cost a very long traffic jam that stretches like 10s of km. North South only 2 lanes mah.
When we reach Johor state, the rest of the tour mates went to Kulai for dinneri. I indented dinner at home before I left, so I headed for home. So this ends my adventure to Cameron Highlands.
Stefanie Sun Yan Zi, RunnerTypeR and Simon Soh

What does RunnerTypeR and Simon Soh, the organisers of this tour, have in common with the Singapore mandarin pop sensation Stefanie Sun?
Stefanie Sun is one of my favourite singers. My favourite song of hers happens to be "Ben" (Run). Of course, not everyone likes her songs. Like my father. He always say she sings song like chanting. When I first heard her "Ben", I thought Wah Piang. How can anyone cut an album with this type of song? Sounds like she is anyhow singing in a bathroom. But the more I hear that song, the better I liked it.
I like her unique voice quality and that she dares to experiment with funny funny type of song and music. So her new albums stay refreshing.
It is a rarity that a Singaporean singer can be so popular in other bigger markets which already have their own numerous successful singers, such as Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. No wonder some media called Stefanie Sun as Singapore's Guo Bao, or national treasure.
Why RunnerTypeR and Simon Soh are same like Stefanie Sun?
Well, it is not that I think RunnerTypeR and Simon look remotely like Stefanie. And it is also highly unlikely that that they can sing like this songbird. But I imagined that it would be quite interesting to hear Runner and Simon sing. On the other hand, I doubt Stefanie would be able to take me on a motorcyle tour to Cameron Highlands.
The reason is that people like RunnerTypeR and Simon Soh are also Guo Baos, in their own ways. They are treasures to our motorcycling kingdom. Without people like them who are willing to be generous with their time, knowledge and are fun to be with, many many people like me would not be able to enjoy going to places such as this Cameron Highlands. And our motorcycling will definitely be much less fun.
So I say to the RunnerTypeRs and Simon Sohs, thank you and please keep up your good work!
Hmm. Maybe during one of the national days, RunnerTypeR and Simon should be invited to join the other Guo Baos such as Stefanie and Kit Chan who preceded Stefanie, and Phua Chu Kang, to sing "Count on me Singapore". Maybe should include Annabelle Chong as well.
And my good old Fazer, Frost, did not fail me in our very first long-distanced trip together. So like the master in the movie "Babe", when Babe won the sheep-herding contest at the end of the show, I say to Frost, "That will be all. That will be all."
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